
Helium Leak Detector

Product overview

Helium mass spectrometry leak detectors areinstruments for rapid localization and quantitative measurement of leaks insealed containers. The helium mass spectrometry leak detection method ischaracterized by high detection sensitivity, fast detection speed and widerange of application compared to methods such as bubble identification,pressure decay and halogen leak detection. In addition, helium massspectrometry is safe and reliable because the inert gas helium, which isnon-toxic, non-destructive and lightweight, is chosen as the exploratory gas.

Performance characteristics

1. Harmonic Decoupling Algorithm

2. Stable Input and Ecient Output

3. Intelligent Filtering Algorithm

4. Signal Scan Calibration Algorithm

5. Multi-stage Signal Amplication Technology

6. High Peormance Molecular Pumps

7. Clean Air Circuit System

8. High-speed CPU+IDC

9. Intelligent Operating System

10. Wireless Remote Control

11. Failure Indication and Alarm Function

Industry application

1. New Energy Industry: Lithium Batte Cover Plate, Batte Cell, Module, Water Cold Plate, Pack, 3C, Hydrogen Energy.

2. Power Industry: Bushing, fuse cylinder, lightning arrester, density meter, dynamic seal.

4. Semiconductor Industry: Packing, chip manufacturing, vacuum machine, epitaxial wafer, wafer, connector, filter, photovoltaic.

5. Refrigeration Industry: Evaporator, condenser, air conditioning pipeline,compressor, four-way valve, heat pump, etc.

6. Traditional Vacuum Industry: Pump valve, casting, vacuum tube, gas pipe, bellows, LNG, steam, low temperature tank truck, vacuum furnace, vacuum coating, accelerator and so on.

7. Medical Industry: Cochlear implant, cardiac pacemaker, cerebral pacemaker, endoscope, gastroscope, colonoscope.

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